Boston MedFlight Landing Zone Information

Landing zone safety and security is of utmost importance during helicopter landings at various designated or undesignated sites. Boston MedFlight, in conjunction with community fire departments, developed safe designated landing zone areas throughout the region.

In addition, the helicopter may land at an undesignated landing zone such as a highway or an open field. In the event of an undesignated landing zone situation, communication must exist between Boston MedFlight and ground personnel in order to identify the landing zone and clear the area of obstructions.

When securing the landing zone, ground personnel shall ensure:

When We Land

  • Ground personnel shall monitor general area
    around aircraft and secure the Landing Zone from

  • Aircraft engines will remain running (rotor blades
    may or may not be turning) while on the ground
    unless unusual circumstances exist.

  • Only approach the aircraft when escorted by a
    flight crew member

Loading Procedure

When moving the patient from the scene to the
helicopter certain rules need to be followed:

  • 4 personnel help carry the stretcher to the
    aircraft – crew will brief personnel on

  • All chinstraps should be secured. Unsecured
    hats, such as baseball caps are hazardous and
    shall be removed.

  • It is important to follow the instructions of
    the crew at all times.

  • Remember to exit in the same direction
    that you approached the aircraft.

  • Loading the patient in the aircraft varies
    with each helicopter.

  • Approach and departure from the aircraft will
    always occur at the 3 or 9 o'clock position.

The BK 117 - is loaded from the rear of the aircraft.

The Sikorsky S76 - is loaded from the left side.
