Effective: 09-21-23
Supersedes: 11-01-23
Retaining our employees is critical to ongoing operations of our company. Time, effort, and a financial investment has been made during the hiring process of all employees to include full time, part time and per diem. In an effort to maintain consistency in how the termination and / or resignation process is followed across all regions, the following guideline will be followed by everyone.
Termination of Employment
Operations manager for field operations initiates a request for termination of employment
The request is submitted to the Senior Vice President of Operations, Director of Human Resources, Director of Risk Management, and the Chief Operating Officer
Recommendation on whether to proceed or not is determined by all sources noted above
Final confirmation and communication on whether to proceed is delivered by the Chief Operating Officer
If the final determination is to not proceed with termination, the request goes back to the Operations Manager to work on a solution with the employee
If the final determination is to proceed with the termination, HR will submit an End of Employment Form and prepare a termination letter, Payroll will issue a final check and notification will be sent to the required departments (IT, Payroll, Education) for final processing. Arrangements will be made to collect any outstanding company-owned equipment (key fobs, uniforms, computer equipment, etc.)
Resignation of Employment
Employee submits their intent to resign
The Operations Manager is responsible for making phone contact or scheduling an in person meeting with the employee to determine if their employment can be salvaged
If the Operations Manager determines employment cannot be salvaged, the information is shared with the Regional Manager and the Chief Operating Officer for final review
Once the Regional Manager and COO sign off after making certain all options have been exhausted, the resignation is submitted to HR, the Operations Manager submits an End of Employment Form to be processed and notification is sent to the required departments ( IT, Payroll, Education) for processing. Arrangements will be made to collect any outstanding company-owned equipment (key fobs, uniforms, computer equipment, etc.)