Effective: 04-01-21
Purpose: Helicopter air ambulance operators of the North East Air Alliance (NEAA) who service Massachusetts will be using standard frequencies across the Commonwealth to communicate directly with first responder ground units.
1. Whenever an agency contacts Boston MedFlight to request a medical helicopter, MedFlight Communications Center personnel will determine what tactical frequency band the community utilizes. This information will be relayed to the responding helicopter pilot and he/she will contact the Landing Zone (LZ) operations officer on that frequency as the helicopter approaches the designated landing zone.
2. Generally, this radio communication will be handled by the Fire Service, but could be handled by ambulance personnel in some cases.
Frequency Band |
Primary Channel |
Secondary Channels |
UTAC 41D (Direct) |
VTAC 11 |
VTAC12, VTAC13, VTAC14 |
800 Mhz |
8TAC91D |
8TAC92D, 8TAC93D, 8TAC94D |
3. The helicopter crew will initiate notification of approach to the landing zone when they are at about 1,000-foot elevation and approximately three miles out.
3.1. The helicopter crew will be notified when the LZ is secure and safe to land, and any necessary patient care updates as requested.